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Conference 2021 Registration FAQs

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Image by Megan Johnston

Registration is now open! To register, please click the link below:

Q. Who should fill out the registration form?

The delegation leader should fill out this form for the entire delegation. Individuals who wish to take part in the Conference also fill out the same form but just on behalf of themselves. 

Q. What is the Participant Statement?

This statement concerns rules and guidelines for all participants for the conference regarding minors, privacy, data etc. We ask that you read and download this statement here and circulate it amongst all of your delegates. Please read it carefully and if you have any questions contact us 

Q. What is a delegation leader?

The delegation leader is an adult over 18 years of age who will be in charge of their delegation. This is typically a teacher, youth leader or parent. A delegation is a group of students or young people who are interested in attending the CEI Conference.

Q. I do not know how many delegates I will have yet - what do I do?

Try and indicate how many students or delegates you hope to have (e.g. Student 1, Student 2 etc.) and tell us when you have their names.

Q. Why do you need the age range of my delegates?

This will help us place them in groups that are suitable for them and we need to know how many delegates are minors for privacy reasons.

Q. Who is the "Contact Person/Delegation Leader"?

That’s the person who takes responsibility for the delegation (see above). If you are an individual fill out just your own name. Please submit your first and surname. 

Q. Why do you need my email address and which email address should I use?

We will use this to send you Zoom details for the Conference but also to provide you with more information about the  CEI 2021 Virtual conference. Please use an email address that is for you only (i.e. not an organisation email such as CEI alumni email account or general school email address that is accessed by several people) and an account that you can easily access and check regularly so you can receive the required information. We will not share this email with anyone else. 

Q. What is my "Delegation Name"?


This is what you expect your delegation to be called in conference correspondence e.g. CEI Indonesia or CEI Indonesia - School 1

Q. What is my "School/Organisation"?

This is the name of the school or youth organisation that you are a part of that binds your delegation e.g. Newtown School Waterford or Boys Scouts of America. If you are an individual please fill in your CEI branch or organisation e.g. CEI India or Utrecht University.  

Q. What is a CEI Branch?

A CEI Branch is a national and/or regional network of schools who are involved in CEI. They are used to network at the national and regional level to promote CEI and to reach more schools worldwide. The national branches often organise workshops and talks at a national and/or regional level. In some regions, they also play an important role in selecting schools to represent the country at the annual CEI conference. More information about branches can be found here. If you are not yet affiliated with your national branch, please contact us at and we will put you in contact with the head of your branch.

Q. What project should I do?

We are offering two different types of project sessions this year: 

  1. Full projects

For any schools who already have a full project or plan to undertake a project before July, we invite you to come and present your project. Please note each project should be presented by a separate delegation. The project should focus on one of the sub themes (types of community) of the conference which are: 

  • City and Urban Areas – SDG 11 Sustainable Cities & Communities, SDG 12 Responsible Consumption & Production

  • Countryside, Food & Agriculture – SDG 15 Life on Land, SDG 12 Responsible Consumption & Production 

  • Coast & Water – SDG 14 Life Below Water, SDG 6 Clean Water & Sanitation


   2. 48 hour projects 

Together with our team create and undertake a 48 hour project based on the theme and make a short presentation about what you found out. For this YOU DO NOT NEED TO DO ANY PREPARATION. You will get instructions and undertake your projects during the conference itself. 


Note: if you are an observer/individual you can join a Full Projects session and observe or actively participate in a 48 hour projects session.

Q. I don’t know my students' details yet…

Please fill out student 1, student 2, student 3  etc. and fill in the email address of the delegation leader. This way we can set up Microsoft Teams accounts for your students in advance and assign them into elements of the programme.

Q. I have questions about the conference or the registration form, who do I ask? 

Email CEI Ireland ( or the Alumni Team ( any questions.

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