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General FAQs

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Puffin Image by Wynand van Poortvliet

Q. Why will the CEI conference be in a virtual format in 2021?

Due to the Corona outbreak and restrictions on international travel, unfortunately a physical conference is not feasible this year. CEI Ireland & the Alumni Team are working hard to create a wonderful virtual conference for you this year instead.

Q. That sounds great! When will the CEI Virtual Conference be? 

July 5th-9th, from 9.00 GMT - 18.00 GMT. There will be a morning session or an afternoon session to choose from and a central session from 13.00-15.00 GMT which all participants are expected to attend. 


You can also join us for the Pre-Conference on March 6th - 13-15 GMT (Irish time!)

Q. What are the different time slots available for the 2021 Conference?


To try and accommodate timezones (as best as possible), there will be 3 time slots throughout the conference. The central time slot (time slot 2) must be attended by all participants. In addition, participants must attend either time slot 1 or 2. They may attend all three time slots if they wish, but they should attend at least two. 



1. Morning: 09.00 - 12.00 GMT/BST (Dublin Time)

2. Central: 13.00 - 15.00 GMT/BST (Dublin Time)

3. Afternoon: 16.00 - 18.00 GMT/BST (Dublin Time)


We will email the delegation leaders mid-April to ask which timeslots each delegation will attend and with more information about this. More information on this and the timetable will be presented by the Hosts at the CEI Pre-Conference on March 6th.



Q. What is the Pre-Conference? 

The Pre-Conference is a taster of some talks based around the conference theme. It will also include more information of what to expect at the actual conference from the hosts. It will take place on March 6th. The time of the pre-conference will be 13 - 15 GMT (Irish time!).

Q. Who is this conference suitable for? 

The annual Caretakers of the Environment conference is for high school students and teachers who are passionate about the environment. At the conference these “Caretakers” present their projects, participate in workshops and learn about different environmental issues, discuss with each other and have fun. The conference welcomes all environmental activists and educators. If you are not a student or teacher you are welcome to join all aspects of the conference as an observer, the only difference is that you will not present a project. 


Q. What is a project?

Students are encouraged to present a project concerning the theme of the conference. Please see our dedicated forum post about how to create a project for CEI . Your project should relate to at least one of the conference subthemes.

You have two options for projects this year: 

1. Full Project - you prepare a project in advance and it will be presented at the conference. This is the standard type of project at CEI Annual Conferences. 

2. 48 Hour Project - you carry out a small scale project during the conference in 48 hours (approximately) and present the results at the end of the conference.


Q. How can I register to take part?

That’s easy! Use our registration form. You can find useful FAQs about Registration here. However, if you have any further questions about the registration form feel free to contact 


Some notes about registration: 

  • If you’re under 18 years of age, you need to register as part of a delegation

  • A delegation is a student or group of students who are led by a teacher or youth leader 

  • That teacher/youth leader is responsible for their students and securing permission for their students 

  • The same registration form is also used for non-student organizations/individuals who would like to observe during the conference without presenting a project

Q. What digital forum will the CEI 2021 Virtual Conference be using?

The 2021 Virtual Conference will be on Zoom. We will also be using two other platforms in conjunction with Zoom, Aha Slides and Information about this can be found in our conference programme and in our participant statement.

Q. What do I need to prepare for the conference and when do they need to be submitted?

Each delegation will need to prepare and submit the following:

  1.  Project elements (unless doing a 48 hour project) which are:  

            -  Project Presentation Recording 

            -  Project Poster for Virtual Poster Exhibition 

            -  Project Summary for Global Forum

   2. Cultural Night Performance

   3.  Flag Parade Video ​


More details on all of the above can be found here. A timeline of important dates for CEI 2021 including submission deadlines can be downloaded by clicking the download button below. This PDF also contains some information about the project elements named above.

Q. How can I keep up to date with all the latest conference news?

That's easy - sign up to be a member of the alumni website to get the latest news via our blog and forum.




Alternatively, tune in to the alumni social media channels:


CEI Alumni Team


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